
Homunculus is a manga by Hideo Yamamoto and follows the abstract and horrifying story of Nakoshi Susumu, a former business man living out of his car. Nakoshi is a pathological liar and a narcissist, and considers himself above the homeless people he spends his time with based on his manic psychology. Nakoshi meets a shady medical student in the park one afternoon, who offers him quite a lot of money if Nakoshi will allow him to perform trepanation on him in an attempt to inspire supernatural powers. Nakoshi takes the deal and participates in the experiment, and eventually begins to see monsters that are personifications of the ego of the people he meets.

The story is a psychological roller-coaster that modifies the reader's assumptions of the main character's identity and the identity of every character in the story. Homunculus honestly made me reimagine my life from a different perspective after I finished it. It was such a unique look at the world that I was forced to re-evaluate. I honestly wish I had the lyrical sense to say I all I have to say about this story, but really it needs to be read to be believed. The visuals are incredible, and the storytelling is unique and powerful.

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